Daniel Carral wants to give this talk

Tools, tools everywhere


There are a myriad of open-source tools which can help us in our day-a-day coding activities. Many of them, however, are unknown or rarely used by most professional software developers.

During this session we're gonna walk through several Ruby tools, covering interesting configuration options and some tips & tricks on how to incorporate them into our development workflow.

Feedback form: https://goo.gl/forms/VSeSCn8mJltzmJEr1

Resources, notes, slides: https://github.com/dcarral/ruby-tools


Existen muchísimas herramientas open-source que pueden ayudarnos en nuestro día a día escribiendo código. Muchas de ellas, sin embargo, son desconocidas o raramente usadas por la mayoría de desarrolladores de software.

En esta sesión pasaremos un buen rato cubriendo unas cuantas herramientas (Ruby), mostrando interesantes opciones de configuración e ideas para poder incorporarlas a nuestro flujo de desarrollo.

Formulario para feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/VSeSCn8mJltzmJEr1

Recursos, notas, slides: https://github.com/dcarral/ruby-tools